Guide to Your theGPTlab Dashboard

Welcome to your theGPTlab dashboard! This is where your journey in crafting AI-driven financial agents begins. Let's take a tour of the dashboard and explore the tools and features at your disposal.

Getting Started

No-Code Agent Builder

Easily Craft AI Agents: Click on "Get started" under the No-Code Agent Builder to begin creating your AI agents. No coding is required, and you'll be guided through the process with our intuitive interface.

Agent API (Coming Soon)

Integrate Advanced AI: The Agent API section, coming soon, will allow you to integrate advanced AI capabilities into your existing systems with just a few lines of code. Keep an eye on this space for updates!

Kickstart Your Journey

Unlock Full Potential: Ready to dive in? Click "Build an agent" to start harnessing the power of AI for financial services. Whether you're new to AI or looking to scale, this is where your innovation begins.

Usage Report


Track Your Agents: You currently have used 1 out of your 5 agent limit. To manage your existing agents or to build more, click on "View dashboard". If you need more agents, consider upgrading your account for unlimited access.


Manage Your Data: You've utilized 1 out of 5 datasources. Your datasources are essential for feeding your agents with the financial data they need. To view or add more, click "View dashboard". For additional datasources, an account upgrade is available.


Expand Your Toolkit: You have yet to use any tools out of your limit of 5. These tools can enhance your agents' capabilities, offering them a wider range of functionalities. Access them by clicking "View dashboard". For an unlimited toolkit, upgrading your account is an option.

Last updated